Jere Gettle, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company
Our first annual Connecticut Heirloom Exposition was held in 2012, this year’s event is slated for August 25, 2013 ~
Market visitors could taste history ~ over 75 heirloom tomato varieties!
The year’s abundance of gorgeous, locally-grown, vine-ripened tomatoes looked like something out of a Dutch master’s still life… the nearly black over brick red of “Indigo Rose” and the vibrant tangerine with purple splash of “Orange Flesh Purple Smudge” attracted the eye, while the fine-lined stripes of golden-yellow and candy-red in “Copia” tickled a sense of whimsy. The taste of “Virginia Sweets” provided thrill, and huge Mortgage Lifters took center stage.
These lusty beauties are a gardener’s inheritance, selected for taste and tenderness over many generations. They are bursting with juice and have the tenderest of skins. Sample Pike County Yellow, Violet Jasper, Carolina Gold, Persimmon Orange, Black Cherry, White Beauty, Garden Peach, Yellow Oxheart, Nyagous, Purple Russian, Yellow Brandywine, and more! Each variety comes with a story… savor their taste and be enchanted!
Tasters could pick a small leaf from Topmost Herb Farm’s Greek Columnar Basil plants to drop atop their tomato sample – delicious!
Back to Our Roots! Organic grower Rodger Phillips discussed heirloom cultivars. Why are they important? How are they different? He also shared some of the stories behind these great old fashioned varieties.
Salsa Fresca from Heirlooms! Created from fresh ingredients provided by our farmers, the explosion of flavors amazed and delighted the taste buds. (With recipes to take home.)
Comstock, Ferre & Co. was our special guest
This heirloom in historic Old Wethersfield is the oldest continuously operated seed company in the US. Comstock, Ferre currently offers the Baker Creek brand of heirloom seeds, which is firmly established as one of the most trusted suppliers of open-pollinated, pure and natural, non-GMO seeds.
In the barn, visitors sampled the market-fare creations of three of the Hartford area’s top chefs:
All season long, these chefs had been receiving a weekly share of heirloom fruits, vegetables and herbs from the CRFM to use in their restaurants. On this day, they shopped the market and cooked for us! ~ Scott Miller, Max’s Oyster Bar; Hunter Morton, Max Downtown; and Sean Farrell, Firebox